2022/2023 Tryout Registration Open

Mar. 26, 2022

2022 - 2023 Competitive Tryouts

Spring tryouts for competitive teams will start for U13, U15 and U18 for all levels on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022.  The dates for tryouts are listed Here.

Following Hockey Canada Pathways for U9 & U11, tryouts and conditioning sessions will be held in September.  Details and registration will be available later this summer. 

To register for tryouts:

  • Tryout Registration and fees must be completed and paid in full by the end of day Sunday, April 17th. This is not the full-season registration. Season registration will take place after tryouts are complete and players have been assigned to a team (Season registration will be $1075 for U13-U18)
  • Fees for tryouts are $250 for players trying out for AA & A teams and $150 for players trying out for BB and below. The tryout fee is a flat fee and covers all tryouts sessions, so if a player is released from the AA & A tryouts, they can continue without additional fees at the BB and lower levels. Tryout fees are non-refundable.
  • Players registered last season with another OWHA affiliated association must have a signed PTS form (Click here) or a formal release from their previous association.  Before their first tryout session, documentation must be emailed to the Registrar (compregistrar@gcgh.ca).  Players coming from minor hockey or who have been formally released from their previous OWHA affiliated association do not require a PTS and will not count towards any import limitations. 
  • Players require a GCGH issued black and grey reversible tryout jersey.  A new one can be purchased separately through the RAMP registration system for $35.
  • No player will be allowed on to the ice unless all documentation and fees are in order. 
  • Please note that OWHA has not provided guidance at this time regarding COVID-19 health and safety measures or vaccination requirements for the 2022-23 season tryouts.
  • CLICK HERE TO REGISTER - you will find the tryout registration under the 2021/2022 season. 


Team Selection:

Team selection will be based on a combination of the tryout session and the previous year's in-season player evaluation(and statistics), with more weight placed on the actual tryouts.   The last player season evaluations and statistics are important and will also assist in the “bubble” picks or when discrepancies exist between evaluators. 

Each division will have a “Selection Committee.”

  • Head Coach of the team in that division plus one evaluator appointed by the coach. These individuals cannot be a parent or related to anyone trying out at that age level.
  • Up to 4 paid/non-paid non-parent evaluators with hockey backgrounds.  Could be coaches from other divisions
  • A position of the board as an observer

The goal for these tryouts is to have separate evaluators for forwards and defense.

When a conflict exists after a session, whereas the ratings and total score seem to differ, the VP Comp and/or President or another designee will review against the in-season data and other information.


The Tryout Process:

GCGH has limited ice availability to conduct these tryouts. The BB/B tryouts will not commence until the AA, and A teams have been finalized. If you want to compete for the A or B team, choose this option during tryout registration. If you want to change this selection, please notify the VP Comp and Comp Registrar before the start of tryouts. 

All skaters will attend the initial sessions for a level.  The number of sessions may depend on how many skaters are trying out at that level. Using AA/A as an example, if there were approx 60 skaters.

  • Initially skaters will be separated into 2 groups of about 30.  Each group will attend 2 sessions.  Depending on numbers, ideally, we want to get down to 30 skaters after session 2 and 20 skaters after session 3.  
  • After session 2, the top 30 skaters will continue to compete in session 3 for a spot on the AA team.  The 31st to 40th ranked skaters will move to the final session of the A team, and the skaters ranked lower than 40 will move to the BB/B when they commence.
  • After session 3, the skaters ranked from 1-20 will move to the final AA session.  These skaters are guaranteed a spot on either AA or A and will be determined based on the final ranking after this session.
  • The 10 skaters released from session 3 (Going from 30-20 skaters) will now move to the final A tryout joined by the 31st to 40th ranked skaters after session 2.  These 20 skaters will be competing for the final 10 player spots on the A team.
  • The 10 skaters released from the final A session will be asked to join the BB/B tryouts.
  • After the first session, if there are players that are clearly not at level, they will be released to the lower level tryouts.
  • A reasonability check using in-season data needs to be reviewed prior to cuts being made.  


Tryout Evaluation Criteria:

Players will be evaluated based on skills such as skating, passing, puck control and shooting as well as their overall score in game play in scrimmages.    Actual skill category rankings will be weighted higher at the younger age groups with a progressively lower weighting as we move up in age.


Other Information:

  • Prior to age and level commencing, the parents will receive a document outlining the team's expectations in terms of time commitment and costs.   By continuing with that specific tryout you are agreeing to those expectations.
  •  All releases will be done via email or posting on the GCGH website, check the website frequently for information about releases.  The head coach will contact the final roster for each team.
  • Parents must observe the 24-hour rule on the day after these announcements
  • On the second day after these announcements, parents can call the VP Comp and request a “Feedback Exchange” meeting
  • Such a meeting happens on the 3rd day after the announcement
  • Meeting will include our board rep, VP Comp, the player, and one neutral person to observe the exchange of information


Attendance: Injuries or missed tryouts:

  • If a player misses a tryout session, an email must be sent to VP Comp(vpcomp@gcgh.ca) and the Junior Comp Director (jrcompdirector@gcgh.ca) 48 hours in advance.   They will provide you with more info regarding any impacts.
  • Medical limitations or absence will impact tryouts and placement as this is a very competitive process. The GCGH Competitive Committee evaluation team will use past performance, coaching evaluations, previous season statistics and other pertinent information to place the injured or absent player at the right level.
  • An injury or absenteeism may not mean automatic placement on a competitive team. Any placement by the evaluation team is not appealable.
  • The injured or absentee player is still required to register and pay for tryouts to be considered.
  • If a player is unable to participate due to injury, a medical note must be provided to VP Comp stating she is unable to participate and when she is expected to return to play.



The dates for tryouts listed below are subject to change. Please be sure to check for the latest news and updates.  Players may be divided into groups for some sessions; an email will be sent in advance to advise if a player should attend the first or second hour of the session.  Please check your SPAM or Junk mail folder frequently during tryouts to avoid missing important notifications. 


Date Day Start Time End Time Division Level Arena
19-Apr TUE 7:00 pm 8:00 pm U13 Goalie Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
19-Apr TUE 7:00 pm 8:00 pm U15 Goalie Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
19-Apr TUE 8:00 pm 9:00 pm U18 Goalie Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
19-Apr TUE 9:00 pm 10:00 pm U18 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
20-Apr WED 5:00 pm 6:00 pm U13 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
20-Apr WED 6:00 pm 7:00 pm U13 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
20-Apr WED 7:00 pm 8:00 pm U15 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Manley
20-Apr WED 8:00 pm 9:00 pm U15 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Manley
20-Apr WED 9:00 pm 10:00 pm U18 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Manley
22-Apr FRI 5:00 pm 6:00 pm U15 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
22-Apr FRI 6:00 pm 7:00 pm U15 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
22-Apr FRI 7:00 pm 8:00 pm U13 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
22-Apr FRI 8:00 pm 9:00 pm U13 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
22-Apr FRI 7:15 pm 8:15 pm U18 AA/A Ray Friel - Pad 2
22-Apr FRi 8:15 pm 9:15 pm U18 AA/A Ray Friel - Pad 2
23-Apr SAT 10:00 am 11:00 am U13 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
23-Apr SAT 11:00 am 12:00 pm U15 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
23-Apr SAT 12:00 pm 1:00 pm U18 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
24-Apr SUN 10:00 am 11:00 am U18 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
24-Apr SUN 11:00 am 12:00 pm U15 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
24-Apr SUN 12:00 pm 1:00 pm U15 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
24-Apr SUN 3:00 pm 4:00 pm U18 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
24-Apr SUN 4:00 pm 5:00 pm U15 AA/A Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
26-Apr TUE 7:00 pm 8:00 pm U15 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
26-Apr TUE 8:00 pm 9:00 pm U18 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
26-Apr TUE 8:30 pm 9:30 pm U15 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Manley
26-Apr TUE 9:00 pm 10:00 pm U18 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
27-Apr WED 5:00 pm 6:00 pm U13 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
27-Apr WED 6:00 pm 7:00 pm U13 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
27-Apr WED 6:30 pm 7:30 pm U15 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Manley
27-Apr WED 7:30 pm 8:30 pm U15 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Manley
27-Apr WED 8:00 pm 9:00 pm U18 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
28-Apr THUR 5:00 pm 6:00 pm U13 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
28-Apr THUR 7:00 pm 8:00 pm U13 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
28-Apr THUR 8:00 pm 9:00 pm U18 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
30-Apr SAT 10:00 am 11:00 am U13 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
30-Apr SAT 11:00 am 12:00 pm U15 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
30-Apr SAT 12:00 pm 1:00 pm U18 BB/B Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal
1-May SUN 3:00 pm 4:00 pm U13 BB/B Ray Friel - Racette
1-May SUN 4:00 pm 5:00 pm U13 BB/B Ray Friel - Racette
1-May SUN 5:00 pm 6:00 pm U15 BB/B Ray Friel - Racette
1-May SUN 6:00 pm 7:00 pm U15 BB/B Ray Friel - Racette
1-May SUN 7:00 pm 8:00 pm U18 BB/B Ray Friel - Racette
2-May MON 6:00 pm 7:00 pm U15 C Ray Friel - Racette
7- May SAT 11:00 am 12:00 pm U18  C Bob McQuarrie - Sénécal



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