East Ottawa Girls Hockey Association - AGM on November 4th
Oct. 25, 2024
Our annual general meeting will be taking place at 6:00 PM on November 4th at Ray Friel in the Rendez-Vous room. The East Ottawa Girls Hockey Association will provide an update on the previous season, present the Audited Financial Statements for approval, go through the Bylaw changes, and elect board members.
Location: Ray Friel Sports Complex - Rendez-Vous (Hall D)
Voting Proxy Form: Click Here (All Electronic Proxies must be submitted a minimum 24hrs in advance to the admindirector@gcgh.ca)
Reminder that any member wanting to bring forth a motion is free to do so, but it needs to be sent to the Board Secretary minimum 72 hrs prior to the AGM along with a general description of the item. As well the motion is required to be moved and approved by 2 different members (in good Standing) other then the individual proposing the motion.